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[RG] Numerical simulation of structural-borne vibrations due to electromagnetic forces in electric machines – coupling between Altair Optistruct and MANATEE software

AuthorsMargaux Régniez ; Quentin Souron ; Pierre Bonneel ; Jean Le Besnerais
StatusSelf-published on ResarchGate
DateNovember 2016
KeywordsFinite Element Analysis, electromagnetic forces, vibrations, multiphysic simulation, coupling, electrical machines, TCL


This article deals with the numerical simulation methodology of electromagnetic vibrations in electrical machines. Three methodologies are compared to evaluate vibrations due to Maxwell forces in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software Optistruct: the direct method based on Fourier series expansion of nodal magnetic forces, and the unit rotating wave or tooth excitation methods using Electromagnetic Vibration Synthesis. These three methods have been implemented in MANATEE electromagnetic and vibroacoustic software in a fully automated way. The different coupling strategies applied to a simplified electrical machine give same results but with different calculation times and Optistruct model complexities. It is concluded that the tooth excitation method is the preferred one to carry variable speed calculations or vibroacoustic optimization in the particular machine of the paper.

Preprint and full paper

The full paper can be found on ResearchGate.


The best coupling method depends on machine tooth number, machine symmetries and the number of magnetic force wavenumbers.