e-NVH in railway applications

Railway acoustic noise emission can include electromagnetic noise and vibrations due to passive components and rotating machines.

The electrical traction chain of rolling stocks include both active and passive systems which can potentially vibrate and create acoustic noise due to electromagnetic forces.
The acoustic noise level of railway transports is strictly regulated at several levels (TSI, IEC), and these standards include some penalies for the tonal character of these acoustic annoyances. The acoustic noise due to electromagnetic forces is characterized by strong tonalities: root cause analysis and implementation of noise control actions during virtual prototyping phase is therefore important to meet standard requirements with minimal cost.

These railway components include more especially:

  • electrical traction motors (synchronous, induction motors)
  • electric pumps
  • electric fans

Manatee simulation software allows to control the noise level of these components during their whole development cycle, from early design stage to system-level detailed design stage, including specialized e-NVH analysis and mitigation tools.

Complementary to Manatee e-motor NVH virtual prototyping capabilities, EOMYS Engineering can characterize vibro-acoustic issues with advanced electrical, vibration and acoustic measurements and implement suitable electrical, control and mechanical solutions after manufacturing. Regular technical trainings on e-NVH are also provided.