February 2023: Online training on noise and vibrations in electrical machines (e-NVH)

From January 31, 2023, Eomys will offer a complete e-NVH online training session with specific scheduling, especially focused on far away time zones, such as the US West Coast, to ease their participation. But these timings can also be the right ones for other geographical regions of course, such as Europe, the US East Coast, etc.

The training is organized into 7 modules, which are proposed on different dates all over the month of February. Each module starts at 5:00 pm CET. 

Additionally, this session is offered with a specific module split: as usual, each module lasts 3 hours in total but will be presented on two successive days. 1.5 hours on the first day, 1.5 hours on the second.

To learn more about this training session and start the new year with a great package of knowledge and know-how, please visit our dedicated Training website where you can purchase your modules and register for the training. Places are limited to 15 participants.

For any questions, please reach out to us.