

EOMYS Engineering has developed a strong expertise on acoustic noise and vibrations due to electromagnetic excitations (so-called e-NVH domain in automotive applications), both in rotating machinery (e.g. electric motors &

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EOMYS Engineering Ruche d’entreprise de Lille Hellemmes 121, rue Chanzy – Hellemmes CS 10128 59030 LILLE CEDEX FRANCE Mob. : +33 (0)7 70 18 97 61 Tel. : +33 (0)9

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EOMYS Engineering was created in 2013 by Jean Le Besnerais. EOMYS is the name of a European extinct flying squirrel species – a hybrid animal at ease with both earth

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EOMYS uses the following workflow when providing engineering consultancy and research services: First contact: the Customer informs EOMYS about his issue: «I don’t understand why my system behaves this way»,

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EOMYS can use several commercial finite element software (e.g. Flux, Opera, Maxwell, Ansys) if required by the customer. More than an experience in a particular simulation environment, EOMYS relies on

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