

EOMYS newsletter provides our latest e-NVH news in terms of consulting projects, Manatee software developments, new recruitments or planned exhibitions. To subscribe to EOMYS newsletter, please fill the following form:

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Cooling of electric machines

Why is an effective cooling important? The thermal behavior of an electric machine is an aspect often neglected in its design process. The machine is designed only using an electro-magnetic

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EOMYS works in collaboration with the following laboratories: the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics of Lille L2EP. the Electrotechnical Systems and Environment Laboratory at Bethunes LSEE. EOMYS also

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EOMYS logotype and graphics have been designed by Aurore Duhamel. If you have some troubles viewing the website, please send us an email stating your internet browser version. The website

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Legal notice

The owner and publisher of the website http://www.e-nvh.eomys.com is the company EOMYS ENGINEERING SAS, registered under French law with n° SIRET 793 135 476 000 26, RCS Lille Métropole 793

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