Eomys will be present at the next Speedam meeting 2022, Sorrento, Italy, June 22-24. Jean Le Besnerais will offer a tutorial and a practical workshop here.
Workshop on 22 June 2023 PM (1h)
« Electromagnetic noise & vibrations in electrical machines & drives – live demonstration of Manatee e-NVH software »
This workshop* presents Manatee software, specialized in the assessment & control of magnetic noise and vibrations at all design stages of electrical systems, from e-machine concept phase to system-level validation phase. Manatee software provides a unique entry point for electrical, mechanical and acoustic engineers to shorten the development cycle of electrical machines and reduce prototyping costs. This live demonstration will demonstrate different features of Manatee on a 48s8p IPMSM, 10s12p SPMSM and 36s28r6p IM. Registration is mandatory (max 15 persons).
All registrants have access to a two-week free demo of Manatee software.
Tutorial on 23 June 2023 PM (1h30)
« How to design a quiet electrical machine? A review of best electrical engineering magnetic noise control techniques »
This tutorial* recalls the causal chain of electromagnetic noise generation, from electromagnetic field to sound pressure field, focusing on acoustic noise due to stator yoke vibrations in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. The most influential electromagnetic design variables on magnetic force harmonics are then reviewed (e.g. slot/pole combination, winding type, pole shape, slot opening) as well as the main force cancelling techniques to be applied after prototyping (e.g. skewing, notching) by electrical engineers. Finally, the best simulation methodology to include magnetic noise and vibrations all design stage is discussed from the electrical engineer’s point of view.
*The registration procedure is implemented on the registration site of Speedam and can be accessed only through the Speedam account page of the participants.